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CBC - Faith in Canadian Propagandists Worryingly Low

March 28th, 2021

CBC: TDC_ARTICLE_START While CBC generally does quite well on lists of most-trusted companies in Canada, there's no question that faith in journalism — around the world — is fragile and wavering. TDC_ARTICLE_STOP Yeah it's a real shock that the little people have stopped believing the weapons of mass destruction liars. TDC_ARTICLE_START What happens to a country when it cannot agree on facts and truth or trust the institutions responsible for delivering them? We don't have to look far to see how easily a civil society can seemingly begin to unravel. In the United States, still reeling from the deadly attack on its Capitol in January, there are millions of people who wrongly believe the presidential election was stolen by widespread fraud — though it's important to note more Americans believe it was a legitimate contest than not. TDC_ARTICLE_STOP
CBC Propagandist Brodie Fenlon
Is this satire? A bunch of White People, who no doubt owned plenty of guns, went to the capitol without their guns. They did this, because they were there to, you know, PEACEFULLY PROTEST. But not like the meme of a bunch of Jequeeruses "peacefully protesting," by burning down an Arby's and looting a target. I mean an actual peaceful protest. There was no "deadly attack," four of the peaceful protesters were shot by the police. The only police officer who died, died because he ingested tear gas from the other cops. I mean this CBC propagandist is really starting off regaining my trust. TDC_ARTICLE_START A new report by communications firm Edelman suggests Canada is not immune to the tsunami of institutional distrust at play south of the border. The annual online survey of 1,500 Canadians found trust declined in all of our institutions after a significant but momentary uptick at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Those gains have disappeared for all sectors, from business to religion to academia to government. Edelman says Canada faces "a crisis in leadership and expert credibility." TDC_ARTICLE_STOP
From the UBC Social Justice Institute
Oh my god, why would that be? Is it the case that if you put a bunch of mentally ill weirdos in positions of power and tell everyone they're the experts, people stop believing them?
Health Minister Theresa Tam
Nah, couldn't be that. Anyway, I decided to take a look at the Edelman report itself. The results are actually so much worse than this propaganda piece wants you to believe. Here's an image from the second page of this report. Do you see the important bit? Look at the 4 criteria on the side right. Must be 25-64, College Educated, In the top 25% of household income per age group, and also significantly engaged with public policy and business news. This is not even remotely close to a representative sample of the general populace. Pretty much by definition, people who read the propaganda somewhat believe the propaganda. However, this (((Edelman))) dude refers to these people as the "informed public." This assumes the premise that people who read the Weapons of Mass Destruction Liars are informed. These people are the biggest non player characters in the world. "Trusting," more like completely unable to think critically for themselves. But seriously, look at how creepy and Orwellian this report is. What. The. Fuck. Everything about this is creepy. Who the fuck would trust NGOs? Or business, government, or media? A bunch of parodies of NPCs, that's who. However, he does include this, which sort of belies his point. These information gatekeepers are being viewed skeptically. TDC_ARTICLE_START For most journalists who believe they are on the side of the angels of truth and accuracy, Page 16 of the Edelman Trust Barometer report is sobering. It offers a set of figures in big, bold font that may land as a rather jarring slap in the face to those of us who care deeply about Canadian journalism: 49 per cent of Canadians surveyed agree that journalists and reporters are purposely trying to mislead people by saying things they know are false or gross exaggerations (emphasis mine). 52 per cent agree that most news organizations are more concerned with supporting an ideology or political position than with informing the public. 52 per cent of Canadians agree the media is not doing well at being objective and non-partisan. (The survey has a comparable margin of error of plus or minus 2.9 per cent, 19 times out of 20.) If these figures surprise you, perhaps look no further than to the bottom of this blog, where you will undoubtedly find critics assailing the CBC as a purveyor of biased "fake news" — a charge often echoed on social media and elsewhere. Sure, some of these critics are provocateurs; some will have not read this blog before they begin to critique. But others genuinely believe there are hidden motivations and political agendas behind our storytelling; that we are biased, deliberately misleading or failing our mandate to deliver accurate, fair, balanced and impartial news. TDC_ARTICLE_STOP Everybody look at this propagandist trying to pretend that the weapons of mass destruction liars aren't biased. Fucking LOL. Then I love how he did this inb4 of "well, some LITTLE PEOPLE in the comments below are gonna call me out on my bullshit." Like, the idea that the CBC isn't a propaganda outlet is fucking retarded, and the people who believe that need to be bullied and mocked relentlessly. TDC_ARTICLE_START Are we looking at the gasping canary in the coal mine of Canadian democracy? TDC_ARTICLE_STOP Jesus Fucking Christ. TDC_ARTICLE_START And, of course, there's Donald Trump. The former U.S. president's persistent efforts to repeatedly delegitimize mainstream press as the "enemy of the people" and "fake news" shaped and hardened public attitudes. As trust has eroded, journalists have found themselves increasingly targeted and harassed. The growing perils of doing journalism in the U.S. were explored in this excellent panel discussion hosted last week by the CBC's Adrienne Arsenault on behalf of Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE). It's worth a watch. And yes, we are seeing increased harassment of Canadian journalists in the field. TDC_ARTICLE_STOP Oh no goys, propagandists are being attacked. Oh god that sucks. Imagine how terrible it would be if David "Creepyface" Frum was executed. God that would be horrible, maybe another war would be avoided. TDC_ARTICLE_START What CBC is doing to rebuild trust in journalism As Canada's public broadcaster, the CBC has taken a very active role on the "trusted journalism" file. Here's what we are doing to try to earn and keep your trust in these skeptical times while also battling the growing scourge of disinformation. A few recent measures: TDC_ARTICLE_STOP These are all unbelievably fake and gay. TDC_ARTICLE_START CBC News is a member of the Journalism Trust Initiative (JTI), an effort to establish globally recognized standards of trustworthiness in news, led by Journalists without Borders, the European Broadcasting Union and Agence France-Presse. As part of a recent pilot, we submitted a 70-page questionnaire on our practices for an independent review and hope to share the results in the near future. CBC/Radio-Canada has been a member of the Trusted News Initiative (TNI) since its inception in 2019. The TNI brings together global news organizations and tech platforms to combat disinformation. It created a real-time, early warning system to flag serious disinformation that may pose a threat to life or the integrity of the electoral process. It has been activated for the general elections in the U.K., Taiwan, Myanmar and the U.S., as well as the COVID-19 pandemic. The TNI will host a Trust in News conference later this month. TDC_ARTICLE_STOP So... their efforts to regain trust include doing mass censorship online (TNI), as well as doing massive propaganda that "hey goyim, trust us again PLEASE" (JTI). Interesting. Their list goes on, but it's all the same type of stuff. TDC_ARTICLE_START These worthy initiatives notwithstanding, the audience's trust will ultimately be won or lost on the day-to-day work of our journalists. That begins with an approach to news coverage that is open-minded, fair and genuinely curious. It means challenging our assumptions, testing every fact, avoiding errors and admitting them quickly and transparently when they occur. It means listening to understand. Does every Canadian we serve believe we will give them and the stories they care about a fair shake? Until the answer is yes, there's more work to be done. As always, I trust you will let me know what else we can be doing to earn and keep your trust. TDC_ARTICLE_STOP It's worth mentioning that literally every single comment is tearing this faggot to shreds. And I do mean literally every comment. A few that I liked. From "John Smith": TDC_ARTICLE_START "Too early for April Fool's. Self delusional at best. There isn't an objective viewpoint in the whole corp.". TDC_ARTICLE_STOP From Joshua Cannis: TDC_ARTICLE_START https://www.cbc.ca/radio/sunday/the-sunday-edition-for-july-12-2020-1.5639297/objectivity-is-the-view-from-nowhere-and-potentially-harmful-expert-1.5639304 When objectivity is being sold as a form of bigotry, and open subjectivity is being pitched as 'expertise', so we just supposed to accept open advocacy as the correct way of doing things, of course journalism is biased. Even the head of the CJA has spoken publicly many times about Advocacy Journalism as the new, best form of journalism, but that's journalism that's openly taking a stance and advocating for it, akin to lobbying. The entire industry has just voted, top to bottom, for subjectivity, and now these subjective actors are arguing that their form of subjectivity should be considered trustworthy, and wonder why no one buys their narrative. TDC_ARTICLE_STOP Keep in mind, these are the heavily censored comments that you need a profile on the CBC to even leave in the first place.