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Conservatives Refuse to Defend White People: Episode 41,048

March 25th, 2021

After doing some research on the Post Millenial for the actually important news stories of our day, I took a look at their new scathing critique of Joffrey Trudeau. The Post Millenial: TDC_ARTICLE_START Prime Minister Justin Trudeau released a statement on Sunday for the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, urging Canadians to "stand up against racism, discrimination, and xenophobia, whenever and wherever they occur." Trudeau's statement includes various hand-picked examples of how the Trudeau Liberals have dedicated themselves to fighting systemic inequalities in Canada. What the statement obviously forgets to mention is the Trudeau government's weakness on the global stage in the face of China. Apparently, "wherever and whenever they occur" does not include Xinjiang, China, right now. TDC_ARTICLE_STOP Oh my fucking god, this has to be parody. Massive racial discrimination against White People, I sleep. Utterly imaginary "muh Uiyghur genocide" CALL THE FUCKING COPS. The article goes on and on and on after this, but you get it, and to even make an argument against this is retarded. Just point and laugh. With propaganda this fucking stupid, if we can just get our foot in the door it's pretty much game over.