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Louis Riel BC Metis

November 18th, 2020

I know I already wrote an article about Louis Riel, but this one is too funny to ignore. Vancouver Sun: TDC_ARTICLE_START Louis Riel was hanged 135 years ago today, on Nov. 16, 1885, as a traitor but, really, he could be called the original alienated Westerner. Arguments go back and forth as to whether Riel should be exonerated and that day may yet come, but Shaughn Davoren is just glad to be alive today when such questions can be discussed with level heads. TDC_ARTICLE_STOP I'm going to wait until the very end of this article to show you a picture of this Metis Lad. Don't worry, it's worth the wait. TDC_ARTICLE_START “I remember in Grade 11 the teacher pronounced his name Lewis and she said he led a rebellion, it failed and he was hanged for treason,” Davoren said. “I was like, ‘I can’t let that stand,’ and taught that class that day. “It wasn’t the teacher’s fault, she was teaching what she was given, that was the curriculum.” Davoren, a Vernon native who is studying to become a registered nurse at UBC-Okanagan, is both the youth chair and the minister for youth with Métis Nation B.C. (MNBC). He likes that he hears the battles at Red River and Batoche now sometimes being referred to as resistances, not a rebellions. He remembers his great-grandfather feeling too ashamed to talk about his Métis roots or culture. “I think of that at times and I’m really grateful I’m growing up in the time that I’m growing up in because I can acknowledge and say ‘I am a Métis person’ and I can feel that pride and not be worried about having that stigma.” MNBC defines youth as someone between 15 and 30 years old. Davoren, the youth chair and minister, is 23, almost the same age Riel was when he began his political career. That Riel could have saved his life by pleading insanity but didn’t has left an impression on Davoren. “He stayed true to himself, I think that’s beautiful. He died for what he believed in.” TDC_ARTICLE_STOP Okay, this is what this guy looks like:
Shaughn Davoren
Dude's name is Shaughn Davoren, and he looks like that. How Metis is this guy, 1/64th? What are they just taking whomever applies? I swear to god, I have had so many experiences where I meet some "aboriginal," dude, and the guy looks Whiter than I am. TDC_ARTICLE_START “Riel was a champion of Métis rights who paid the ultimate price in his crusade to have Métis people accepted as equals in Canada,” Premier John Horgan said in a statement on Monday. “Today, he is recognized as a founder of the province of Manitoba and a key contributor to Canadian confederation. “We recognize Louis Riel’s place in history as a civil-rights leader who advocated for Métis people and strove for justice.” TDC_ARTICLE_STOP
John Horgan
Yeah the article ends with this, a sort of obligatory vaguely anti-white garbage. It's not really worth responding to. I just thought you should see what the propagandists are up to, and have a nice little chuckle.