Meet Your Conservatives - Erin O'Toole's Outhouse Tweet
February 24th, 2021
Unfortunately I still can't quite properly embed tweets on my site. So I would highly recommend you go and take a look at the original tweet, it's pretty much required.
Still from the video
In said video, now deleted from Erin The Toole's twitter account, he details this big "ownage," he does of Joffrey Trudeau, where he, OMFG THIS IS SO EPIC, tells him that, wait for it, his current office in the capital is going to be moved to, THE OUTHOUSE!
I really don't think I can undersell how anti-charismatic this queer really is. The entire video, please watch goy, is such an epic failure from start to finish. First, O'Toole looks like an impotent loser yelling at a guy who can't be bothered to respond. Like, fuck billionaires, but imagine if I brought a friend with a webcam to some billionaires property when he wasn't even there, and then said "oh yeah, well maybe you should live in a public restroom." Only somehow I don't think I could make that not funny, because it would at least be absurd.
But then Erin O'Toole does this fake laugh at his own joke, as if he can barely finish saying this truly inspired comedic masterpiece. It's like he's going for "catty shitlib," a demographic everyone hates, but he isn't even doing it right. Like he sucks at being a Liberal, which actually is weirdly perfect.
Again, laughing at his own "joke"
Remember when you were 6 years old, and how all the adults were these amazing creatures that couldn't be criticized, only looked up to? Remember how even back then there was that one dad who you knew was a huge fag? Like he was such a huge fag that even at age 6 when grown men seem like gods you didn't have respect for this clown? Well, he moved on with his life and is now the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada.
I was going to end it here, but I can't help myself. This is a failed attempt at a Finkelfight. And actually, one response to that tweet almost gets it.
So close. Of course, the (((War on Christmas))) is real, and we live in a massive Corporate-State Censorship Regime, so LOL, just LOL at Omar over here trying to pass that shit. Goes to show the Left-Finkle brain damage, since it is so damn easy to find tons of utterly fake non-troversies that the Right-Finkle Parties push. Off the top of my head:
"Stop the Steal!" "Trudeau isn't being hard ENOUGH on CHYNA!" "Trudeau dressed up as a Negro 20 years ago!"
I saw an article linked by TRS, that showed that the number of Americans who are actually invested in Conservatism, is 6%. 6% of Americans actually believe in Conservatism, the rest vote against the more openly Pro-Pervert Anti-White Party. That's it. People vote against the Liberals or against the NDP here in Canada. Nobody actually votes for the Conservatives.
And the Cons have finally just flat out thrown their hands up and been like "yeah, we literally offer you nothing, but OMG look at PANSY Trudeau being NICE to CHYNA". As I showed in my article on the Sloan Squeeze, the Servative Party is now explicitly Pro-Abortion. They are so fake, that they actually got tired of pretending to not be pro-Abortion and then having to find ways to lose when they got into office, so now they're just openly pro-Abortion. So I guess now they're actually less fake, since they've admitted there are no serious policy differences between them and any other Finkel-Party.
So all that's left is "OWN tHe LibS" and a cult of personality, similar to what Trumpism degenerated into after 2018. However, unlike Trump, who had a certain kind of charisma, Erin O'Toole is Big Fag, which makes this almost painful to watch.
I mean, look at this dude. Now understand that he has absolutely no policies to sell you, and he's a transparent career politician/shill. So the only thing he has to sell is his winning personality...
I have to say, if we can get a political party up and running, this really shouldn't be that hard.
Being an MP is a job for grown ups. Behaviour like this detracts from our ability to have real debates about issues that matter to the people who live in our communities.
— Sean Fraser (@SeanFraserMP) February 24, 2021