New York Times Corona Priorities
December 21st, 2020
I was linked to this from the excellent podcast Fash the Nation, which you can find here. I'd highly recommend you take a listen.
I bring them up because they started talking about a New York Times article that is such an enraging example of Anti-Whitism that it must be shared. And yes, I know this is not Canadian or BC news, but it's worth a quick look.
New York Times:
The Elderly vs. Essential Workers: Who Should Get the Coronavirus Vaccine First?
The C.D.C. will soon decide which group to recommend next, and the debate over the trade-offs is growing heated. Ultimately, states will determine whom to include.
This starts off reasonably enough. If there is a legitimate shortage of the vaccine then rationing must be done. But skipping ahead a little bit...
One occupation whose priority is being hotly debated is teaching. The C.D.C. includes educators as essential workers. But not everyone agrees with that designation.
Marc Lipsitch, an infectious-disease epidemiologist at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, argued that teachers should not be included as essential workers, if a central goal of the committee is to reduce health inequities.
“Teachers have middle-class salaries, are very often white, and they have college degrees,” he said. “Of course they should be treated better, but they are not among the most mistreated of workers.”
The Jew Mark Lipsitch
Do you hear that Whitey? This is what the Jew Marc Lipsitch thinks of you. That you dying of Coronavirus would be justice, or at least "reduce health inequities". And it's specifically because teachers are White that they are being
Thank god for this jew, and yes Marc Lipsitch is a jew, is trying to worm its way into deciding which group of goyim live and die from this vaccine.
Oh but wait, it gets better! Because this is the very same Marc Lipsitch who has been advising Israel PM Benjamin Natanyahu on how to handle CoronaChan, according to this Times of Israel article.
Hey goy, do you think his advice is "well, Jews live longer than Palestinians, which shows the structural health inequities inherent in the goyist society of Israel. As a result, Palestinians should get the vaccine first, and if some Jews die it's okay, they're non-essential workers."
I didn't think so either.
Harald Schmidt, an expert in ethics and health policy at the University of Pennsylvania, said that it is reasonable to put essential workers ahead of older adults, given their risks, and that they are disproportionately minorities. “Older populations are whiter, ” Dr. Schmidt said. “Society is structured in a way that enables them to live longer. Instead of giving additional health benefits to those who already had more of them, we can start to level the playing field a bit.”
The Jew Harald Schmidt
This is explicitly calling for White People to be killed because they are White, and it is coming from Schlomo, and the New York Times. While that magazine has largely descended into Buzzfeed-tier drivel, this article is more well-written.
Anyway, just have a good look at Marc Lipsitch's face again.
Still, some people believe it is wrong to give racial and socioeconomic equity more weight than who is most likely to die.
“They need to have bombproof, fact-based, public-health-based reasons for why one group goes ahead of another,” said Chuck Ludlam, a former Senate aide and biotech industry lobbyist who protested putting essential workers ahead of older people in comments to the committee. “They have provided no explanation here that will withstand public scrutiny.”
I want to deny healthcare to White People... and Palestinians
I didn't want to include a picture of Chuck Ludlam, because who cares. However, you should know that this is an act of war on White People by Jews. Not just these actions, but the propaganda piece accompanying these actions.