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Aboriginal Women Murdered By Aboriginal Men == Genocide

February 19th, 2021

The Cuckservative response is somehow more retarded. The Post Millenial: TDC_ARTICLE_START When the inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women concluded and released their findings, it was said that it was an act of "genocide." Following the report, the Trudeau government accepted those findings, with Trudeau saying "We accept their findings, including that what happened amounts to genocide." Notably, this is considered an ongoing situation, which led the United Nations to say they would investigate reports of genocide taking place in Canada. In short, Justin Trudeau was willing to claim that Canada is committing genocide, at the very moment he is in charge of the federal government of this country. Presumably, he is not claiming that his government is committing genocide, meaning he would be making the case that the genocide is taking place without the government taking action to stop it. Either way, it was on odd thing for a Prime Minister to say, and for many Canadians it felt that Trudeau was throwing people under the bus in an effort to appear in line with political sentiment. TDC_ARTICLE_STOP Okay goy, let me give you the actual real backstory here. The Corporate State Complex put together an Anti-White report which pretended that the massive violence that abo women face at the hands of abo men was somehow the fault of Whitey. But not just that, that this amounted to "Genocide." Yes. You read that correctly, abo women getting beaten and murdered by abo men on reservations == Genocide. In case you have some reservations, no pun intended, that this is a case of abo on abo violence, here's a CBC propaganda piece from 2015 desperately trying to dissuade you of that picture. CBC: TDC_ARTICLE_START Last month, RCMP delivered an update on missing and murdered aboriginal women in Canada, a report that led many to put the onus for reform on aboriginal families and communities. "Our 2015 update confirms the unmistakable connection between homicide and family violence," said RCMP deputy-commissioner Janice Armstrong, speaking to the media after the report. The RCMP report noted that victims "knew their killers" in 100 per cent of the solved homicide cases of aboriginal women in 2013 and 2014. ... But while there is undoubtedly a link between family violence and missing and murdered women of all backgrounds, a closer look at the statistics and terminology suggest that policy makers and the news media might want to be more careful how they frame this important debate. TDC_ARTICLE_STOP Translation: "This is bad for our anti-White narrative, so let's pretend that it's not true." Anyway, so I hope you can all see, this is an anti-White narrative being pushed by Globo Homo Schlomo, so transparently anti-White and ridiculous that it desperately needs Cuckservatives to become the impotent, whiny opposition to it. So, how exactly do you think the Cuckservatives are throwing the fight for White People? I think it might actually be a productive experiment for you to try to figure out the angle that Donor-Rightists are going to use here. Take a minute, and think. Now back to the original article in The Post Millenial. TDC_ARTICLE_START So, why am I bringing this up now? Because while Trudeau was willing to accuse Canada of genocide, he is unwilling to say the same about China. TDC_ARTICLE_STOP I would have probably gone for something like "Trudeau hasn't condemned the Lampshadocaust enough this week," but "muh Uighurs," was a close second. In fact, in retrospect, I think I was being somewhat silly to have guessed anything else. Hindsight 20/20 and all that. TDC_ARTICLE_START Conservative leader Erin O’Toole was willing to say it: "Genocide is taking place in China right now. Approximately a million Uyghurs have been forcibly relocated into detention centres. People who have managed to escape have reported horrific, co-ordinated violence including physical, mental and sexual torture. Women have spoken of mass rape and sexual abuse. Women have been subjected to forced sterilization." TDC_ARTICLE_STOP Literally accepts anti-White slander about "muh Abo girls being murdered by abstract concept of White Oppression." Tries hardest to get out in front of White People's natural anger towards anti-White hate speech by doing absolutely nothing for White People and trying to push the "muh CHYYYYNA" narrative. One of the clearest examples of "get out in front of popular issue and make sure it goes nowhere/goes where we want it," that I have ever seen. TDC_ARTICLE_START Instead, Trudeau said it was an "extremely loaded" term, and that it needs more investigation to be sure that “it is clearly and properly justified.” "There is no question there have been tremendous human-rights abuses reported coming out of Xinjiang, and we are extremely concerned about that,” said Trudeau, adding “we need to ensure all the i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed in the process before a determination like that is made." Of course, Trudeau didn’t show that same level of "concern" when it came to accusing Canada (and by extension Canadians), of genocide. TDC_ARTICLE_STOP *White People. Accusing *White People of genocide. In a completely ridiculous way. An notice, goy, how the Donor-Left is also throwing the fight. Sort of like how you see Donor-Right shills do the whole "well there's NO QUESTION of muh systemic wacism and muh persecution but something something too hard." Trudeau is literally doing the exact same playbook on this imaginary genocide "MILLION UIGURS IN CAMPS GOY!" conducted by the Chinese. TDC_ARTICLE_START The fact that he's willing to accuse his own country of genocide, while being unwilling to say the same about China will only bring up more questions about why Justin Trudeau and much of the Liberal government seems so beholden to the Communist State. TDC_ARTICLE_STOP Dear god. Imagine actually reading this and believing it. "Trudeau is just a shill of the Communist Party of Chiiiiina." I need to go and rinse the taste of gay out of my mouth. I mean this is literally a "debate," between two groups going. 1) White People are somehow responsible for Abo wahmens getting beaten to death by Abo men. 2) Yeah but China tho 3) Yeah China pretty bad 4) YOU DIDN'T SAY THEY WERE BAD ENOUGH YOU FUCKING MONSTER!!!!!