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UBC SJI - Janice Stewart

March 5th, 2021

I was going to end my series of articles on the UBC "Social Justice Institute" Faculty Biographies with the gay motherload, that I found earlier today. There are 20 memebers of the SJI faculty, and covering all of them would be redundant, so I picked out the funniest/most useful five. I was going to leave it at that, but upon looking at Janice Stewart's bio, it stood out in my mind so much that I had to print her up. UBC: TDC_ARTICLE_START Currently Dr. Stewart’s work engages the teaching and learning benefits of socially networked, online Community Mapping tools and the unique potential of locative media for social justice initiatives on the UBC campus. Social Justice @UBC considers how official knowledge is mapped in ways that typically exclude members of marginalized groups and represent a very partial aggregate of culture. Participatory community mapping projects enable active relationships to public knowledge and new forms of educational innovation and participatory citizenship. This proposal requests support for the development of a Social Justice @UBC community mapping project that will provide students and instructors in multiple Arts and Education courses with a digitally networked environment that supports educationally significant collaborative research, networking, critical thinking, and multimedia literacy. Locative media offer a way of making visible hidden stories of place and belonging. Increasing cultural and linguistic diversity in the world today call for a much broader view of literacy. Technologies of community mapping and social justice work positions students as knowledge creators. Flexible learning and community engagement provide a diverse group of undergraduate students a pedagogic infrastructure that will build core research and intercultural competencies TDC_ARTICLE_STOP
Janice Stewart
First, for fuck sakes, this should be broken up into at least two paragraphs. Secondly, do you notice how amazingly unreadable what she wrote is. It is legitimately a challenge to read that. I mean read every word. It requires the same kind of effort that calculating a hard chess position requires. It's fucking difficult to simply read what this insane wahmen is writing. Every single sentence is somehow more tedious than the next. I couldn't get any useful quotes from her, but I wanted to print her out because she's precisely the opposite of Chris "gayface," Patterson, who I previously wrote about. Whereas the faggot was talking about playing video games "erotically," to understand "global empire," this probably lesbian is just droning on and on and on and on about FUCKING NOTHING! Nothing of substance was said in this entire run-on paragraph. The difference between the boring, tedious, short haired lesbian, and the hilariously perverted faggot is striking. And it occured to me that studying that would be one of the things that a real sociology department would be doing.